Certifications & Awards
Management Systems Certification
ISO 14001 : 2015
IATF 16949 : 2016
ISO 9001 : 2015
Hybrid Microcircuit Certification
DLA Certification
Best Supplier Commendations :
- Supertex Best Improved Subcontractor
- Cambridge Technology Partner Award
- Triquint Top Rating Subcontractor
- WJ - Triquint Excellence Delivery and Service
- Sunpower Excellent Partner Award
- IR - Excellence Delivery and Service
- Motorola Supplier award
- Semtech Outstanding Quality Perfomance
- Astec Vendor of the Year
- Semtech Supplier of the Year
Thrusts of the Quality Organization
Quality Performance Monitoring
Cirtek Management defines roles and responsibilities of each employee in all levels in the organization. The efficiency of the overall system is continually monitored utilizng a set of quality metrics.
Customer Focus
- The customer is the principal judge of quality
- Understand customer needs and expectations in order to meet
and exceed customer requirements - Build relationship with customers
Participation and Teamwork
- Develop the systems and procedures that foster participation
and teamwork - Empowerment better serves customers and creates trust
and motivation - Teamwork and cross-functional cooperation encourage employee
involvement and lead to more effective problem solving